{Jan's been emailing me with some of her stories and pictures--}
I started working
iron in North Dakota in 1976. I earned my Journey(wo)man card in October 1979
and "boomed out" to a coal mine in Montana in April 1980.... seems like half
the guys I worked with in ND and a lot of the boomers from different parts of
the U.S. (who were working in ND) came to MT too... then we ALL ended up in
California from the fall of 1980 through the early '90's.
My daughter
(Shelly) and I were the first mother/daughter ironworkers in Local 377 and maybe
even in the U.S.! (if anyone knows of other mother-daughter ironworkers before
1983, I'd like to hear from them!!)
I also helped build the airport at Maui. Me and a guy named Steve Bennett from Montana were the main ones who'd work up high and a FEW seasoned Hawaiians. Most of the guys didn't like working high - or even off the ground, so when the big boss (a Samoan) came to get me and/or Steve (he's 6 ft. 6 inches tall) I would laugh and say, "Oh! I see. It takes one GOOD journeywoman to replace 6 guys around here...!!" The first couple of times his jaw about hit his chest - then he'd just laugh and walk off.
Below you will find pictures of powerhouses I worked on in North Dakota in
1976-80. Coal Creek, Coyote & Antelope Power Plants. I was the only woman on
the gasification job with 4,100 men in 1983! I met another woman ironworker
in the parking lot as I was coming in - she was headed back to Texas because
her sister was sick. We were BOTH VERY DISAPPOINTED she had to leave... as we
struck up an immediate friendship (er, sistership...!)
I'm SO delighted to hear from Jeannie that there about 25 women in Local 377
now (2003). If anyone wants to correspond with me, please email: vizual@alltel.net
and I will send you my phone number if you want to chat too!
(click on the small picture to get a larger one)