Working the Abovenet with Harmon

(click on the small picture to get a larger one)
This is a view of
the architectural
"west" of the building.
And the "southwest"
corner on Harrison
and Main.
The exciting illusion
of aluminum coverings.
Some of the rusty
steel of the canope.
The magestic seagull. A later view of the same
rusty steel
Coffee break. Must be Friday--
Paul in his Friday shirt.
A view of the canopes Stuff. View of many of the
other jobs we could be
on. I think that's the
Webcor job with the
yellow tower crane,
the blue guy derrick is
the Herrick job on 2nd
Downtown. One of Harmon's jobs,
199 Freemont--
one of those "indian
burial ground" type
of jobs.
We would often look
thoughtfully into the
distance and ponder
just how cold and windy
the bay bridge job would

all these pictures were taken by my partner John "Iron Canary" Campbell out of local 75 Arizona.